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The Lagos State Signage and Advertisement Agency as established by the Lagos State Structures for Signage and Advertisement Agency Law, 2006 and the Amendment thereto is responsible for regulating and controlling outdoor advertising and signage displays in Lagos State.

We are a Government Agency set to re-define the signage and outdoor advertising industry through effective signage and outdoor advertisement regulation and civic beautification.

What we do

We are responsible for the management, regulation and control of the signage and outdoor advertising environment in Lagos State. By implication, we are responsible for managing all forms of signage and outdoor branding opportunities in the state.

How we do it

Our Agency has embarked on the implementation of a “Streetscape Optimization Process and System” (SOPS) for all facets of the City’s streetscape, including, signage of all forms, outdoor advertising, and street furniture within the Lagos State boundaries.

Our Vision

LASAA’s Vision is to be an International Leader in Signage Control, Outdoor Advertising Regulation and Civic Beautification.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to Modernize, Standardize and Regulate Streetscapes so as to benefit the State, Citizens and Visitors alike.

Our Culture

Our Culture is one of sustained excellence in Service Delivery that draws upon Individual and Collective Performance that is empowered to continually innovate, improve, grow and develop in character.


The Lagos State Signage and Advertisement Agency (LASAA) believes that outdoor advertisement medium can be used as a tool for supporting infrastructural developments. For advertisement to run from dawn to dusk, infrastructures that support the outdoor medium of outdoor advertising must be functional.

In this wise, LASAA is involved in the provision of infrastructures which promotes good advertisements. This includes Street lights, Bus shelters etc. The street light advertisement project, for example,guarantees illumination on our major roads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Revenues generated from such advertisement will support the maintenance of such streetlight lamp poles.

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  • © 2025 Lagos State Signage & Advertisement Agency (LASAA)